
Terms and conditions


​​​​​Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Arts​​

The following terms and conditions apply to the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Arts.

In these terms and conditions, 'the department' means the State of Queensland acting through the Department of Education.

  1. Information on how to enter and participate in the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art including all program guidelines, information books, forms and fact sheets form part of these terms and conditions of entry. Participation in the program will be considered acceptance of these terms and conditions.

  2. The department (ABN 76 337 613 647) is the owner of the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art program.

  3. Once entered, details are not transferable to any other person or organisation or school.

  4. Late, partially completed or submissions that do not satisfy the submission requirements or program guidelines at the time of the program entry closing may be judged as ineligible for participation in the program.

  5. All information submitted must be true and correct as at the time of submission.

  6. The decision made by the department to accept a student as eligible to proceed to the next stage of the program is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

  7. The department accepts no responsibility for inability to or failure to submit or nominate by the final date.

  8. The nominee grants the department the right to use personal information (including student details, photographs and/or video) in accordance with the project consent form.

  9. By providing material (including student details, photographs and/or video) to the entry portal the nominee warrants they either own the material or have acquired sufficient right to use the material for the purpose of the program and agree to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by breach of this warranty.

  10. Where there is more than one category or stage each category or stage may have individual eligibility criteria as well as judging criteria.

  11. Although every effort will be made to ensure project materials (including certificates, prizes and awards) are sent to the address stated on the submission, the department takes no responsibility for lost or misdirected items not received by students/schools.

  12. The department will not be responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any network or lines, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, traffic congestion on the Internet, etc. including, but not limited to, any injury or damage to participants or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in this program.

  13. If for any reason the program is unable to run as planned including causes beyond the control of the department, the department may at its sole discretion cancel, suspend or modify the program.

  14. The department will not be responsible for any failure by sponsors and partners to fulfil obligations.

  15. The program may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

  16. The participant agrees to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by a cancellation, suspension, modification or withdrawal of the program.

  17. These terms and conditions may be altered where necessary, and any changes will be notified on the program's website.

  18. The department reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of a submission, reject a submission or disqualify a submission that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions.

​​In Residence

The following terms and conditions apply to In Residence.

In these terms and conditions, 'the department' means the State of Queensland acting through the Department of Education.

  1. Promoter

    1. ​​​1.1 Th​e Promoter of the In Residence program is the department (ABN 76 337 613 647). You can contact the Promoter at:

      Senior Programs and Events Officer
      Strategic Communication and Engagement
      Department of Education
      Phone: (07) 3328 6619

  2. The Program

    1. 2.1 The department is running the In Residence program for student nominee​s to be selected to participate in the In Residence program conducted by the department and the Queensland Art Gallery I Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA).

  3. ​How to enter

    1. 3.1 Information on how to enter and participate in the program, including the In Residence submission guidelines and forms, are part of these terms and conditions of entry. Participation in the program will be considered acceptance of these terms and conditions. To enter, the student nominee must meet the eligibility criteria and submission requirements set out in sections 3.1 and 3,2, respectively, of the In Residence submission guidelines.

      3.2 There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this program.

      3.3 A valid entry requires personal information and contact details to be provided to the department (student name and contact teacher name, phone number and email address). Once accepted into the program, additional personal information and contact details will need to be provided to the department (name, phone number and email address of the student and the parent/carer).

      3.4 The submissions for the program commence at 1pm on 17 July 2024 and close at 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on 17 September 2024. There will be up to 25 selected entries whom will be offered a place in the In Residence program. The student nominee submissions will be judged on 20 September 2024. The names of the winning student nominees will be notified via the entrants’ school by 1 October 2024 via the contact details given for the relevant contact teachers of the student nominees.

      3.5 Once entered, details are not transferable to any other person or organisation or school.

      3.6 All information submitted must be true and correct as at the time of submission.

      3.7 The department accepts no responsibility for inability or failure to submit or nominate by the final date.

      3.8 The department will not be responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any network or lines, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, traffic congestion on the internet, etc. including, but not limited to, any injury or damage to student nominees or any other person's computer related to or resulting from participation, or uploading or downloading any materials, in this program.

  4. Eligibility

    1. 4.1 The department reserves the right at all times to determine in its absolute discretion whether an entry is eligible. Late or partially completed submissions that do not satisfy the submission requirements at the time of the submissions period closing may be judged as ineligible for participation in the program.

      4.2 Entries deemed by the department not to meet any one of the eligibility requirements of these terms and conditions will be disqualified. The decision made by the department to accept an entry as eligible is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

      4.3 The department reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of a submission, reject a submission or disqualify a submission that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions.

      After reading and understanding all elements of the In Residence submission guidelines, it is understood by the department that schools and students proceeding with submission, agree to, and will adhere to, all elements of the program.

  5. Privacy

    1. 5.1 The department is bound by the Information Privacy Act 2009. 'Personal information' may include your name, address, phone number, email address, age, gender and the name of the school you attend. Your personal information is only used for identifying the winners and providing the prize to you and if you participate in the program – as outlined in the project consent forms completed as part of your entry. We will not add you to a mailing list, or give your personal information to third parties without your consent, unless required by law.

      5.2 Schools need to ensure that the student nominee and/or their parent/carer have granted the school the right to use personal information (including student details, photographs and/or video) in accordance with the project consent form.

  6. Indemnity

    1. 6.1 By providing material (including student and parent/carer details) for submission to the entry portal, the student nominee and/or their parent/carer warrants they either own the material or have acquired sufficient right to use the material for the purpose of the program, and agree to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by breach of this warranty.

      6.2 The student nominee and/or their parent/carer agrees to indemnify the department against any loss or damages caused by a cancellation, suspension, modification or withdrawal of the program.

  7. Changes to terms and conditions

    1. 7.1 These terms and conditions may be altered where necessary and any changes will be notified on the department's website for the program.

      7.2 If for any reason the program is unable to run as planned, including causes beyond the control of the department, the department may at its sole discretion cancel, suspend or modify the competition.

      7.3 The department will not be responsible for any failure by sponsors and partners to fulfil obligations.

      7.4 The program may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

  8. Judging of submissions

    1. 8.1 The department will appoint judges to select the eligible entries.

      8.2 Submissions of eligible student nominees will be judged against the selection criteria outlined in section 3.6 of the In Residence submission guidelines. Entries will be judged on merit alone and the selection does not involve an element of chance. The judges’ decision is final.

      8.3. If you are selected for the program, you agree to your name, school and year level being published on the In Residence website, departmental social media, articles, promotional videos, reports or media stories.

  9. Participation

    1. 9.1 The department will offer selected student nominees a place as a participant in the In Residence program (up to 25 participant places will be available in the program). By no later than 1 October 2024, the department will notify successful students via the contact teacher details provided in their In Residence nomination form.

      9.2 Selected students must choose whether or not to accept a place in the program and provide a completed acceptance confirmation to the department by 7 October 2024.

      9.3 If a selected student does not, or is unable to, accept the prize, the department

      1. will not hold the student’s placement in the program or value of the placement in the program on trust and no part of the program is transferable or redeemable as cash


      1. ​​

        may offer the placement to another student nominee next in the merit ranking.

  10. ​​

    Governing law

    1. The program and these terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of the State of Que​ensland.​

Last updated 02 July 2024